Annual 49ers celebration at Tech brings alums, friends together

Sept 10/02/2023

Events include eclipse viewing, block party and lighted parade

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Events include eclipse viewing, block party and lighted parade

SOCORRO, N.M. (Oct. 2, 2023)—For its annual alumni reunion and university-wide celebration,
New Mexico Tech is rolling out a fantastic galactic weekend, full of activities including a golf
tournament, an evening lighted parade, solar eclipse viewing, rugby games, a block party and
live music. Visit the website for a detailed schedule. Here are
some of the highlights:

New this year, the annual 49ers parade will light up Saturday night, beginning at 7 p.m. at
Parkview Elementary across from Sedillo Park, down California Street to the historic plaza.
The theme for this year is “Total Eclipse of the Sun,” and floats will all be electric. About 70
floats are expected to participate. To enter the parade, visit to register.

Bright and early Friday morning, Oct. 13, hardy hikers will take a stroll up M Mountain to “Paint
the M.” Registration closes noon on Oct. 12, and bib pick-up is by 5 p.m. that same day. Anyone
can register and take part. Visit the website for important guidelines. To register for the hike

The NMT Block Party starts on Friday at noon and runs until 7 p.m. Campus Drive will be lined
with food trucks, vendors, game and club booths, with trivia prizes and more. Nearby, Heritage

Events will include gold panning, sawing and drilling demonstrations. There will be cash prizes
for these events. If you would like to be a vendor, email

For anyone who wants to view the partial solar eclipse on Saturday morning, Oct. 14, Tech’s
athletic field will be set up with breakfast, a mimosa and Bloody Mary tent, and a telescope for
viewing. The program from Albuquerque’s balloon fiesta park will be live-streamed from 8-9
a.m. along with a telescope view of the eclipse.

Another fun science-related activity is the weather ballooning project hosted by the NMT
Physics Department, which is part of a larger effort under NASA’s nationwide project. This
event will be held on two days, Friday, 2-5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Workman
Center Shop Yard.

If rugby is your cup of tea, there’s plenty of action on Friday with the women’s game at 3:30,
and the men’s at 4 p.m. After the games, there will be a “ruggers and friends” reunion at
Capitol Bar on the plaza.

Around 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, the party will shift to The Capitol Bar
with live music from The Full(ish) Professors, Uncle Dave’s Large Band and others.

*Preregistration is required for starred events.

Wednesday, Oct. 11
      *First annual Glow in the Dark Golf Tournament, 7-10 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 12
      *Magdalena Radio Observatory Tours for Alumni, 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
       Alumni Registration Lounge 10a.m.-5 p.m., Brown Hall Conference Room.
      *Playas Tour for Alumni, 7 a.m. Picnic lunch included.
       Physics Alumni Reception, 4-8 p.m., Bodega.
       National Championship E-Sports Ringing Ceremony, 6:30 p.m., Deju House.
       Comedy Night, 7 p.m., Macey Center
Friday, Oct. 13
      *Paint the M, 7 a.m., Facilities Management parking lot.
       Alumni Registration Lounge 10a.m.-5 p.m., Brown Hall Conference Room.
      Weather Ballooning Project, start 10 a.m., viewing hours 2-5 p.m., Workman Center
      Shop Yard.
      Block Party, noon-7 p.m., Campus Drive.
      Heritage Events, noon-7 p.m., Campus Drive and NMT Athletic Field.
      Rugby games: Women’s 3:30 p.m., Men’s 4 p.m., NMT Athletic Field.

      Rugby 50 th Anniversary Celebration at The Capitol Bar.
      Alumni Reception and Awards Ceremony, 6:30 p.m., Deju House.
Saturday, Oct. 14
     *Balloon Fiesta Field Trip to Albuquerque, 2:30 a.m., visit the website or contact Office
      of Advancement for more details. Limited seating.
      Annular Eclipse Viewing in Socorro, 8 a.m., NMT Athletic Field, breakfast provided.
      Weather Ballooning Project, start 10 a.m., viewing hours 10-1 p.m., Workman Center
      Shop Yard.
      25 th and 50 th Reunion Dinner, Classes of 1998 and 1973, 4 p.m., Deju House.
      49ers Electric Parade, 7 p.m. Preregister to enter. Awards at 8 p.m. on the plaza.
Sunday, Oct. 15
     *Farewell Alumni Brunch, 10:30 a.m., Deju House.

About New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech, also known as New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, is a STEM-
focused university in centrally located Socorro, New Mexico. Ranking high in the regional and
national standings, this community of scholars and educators is dedicated to research,
innovation and education that will meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. NMT is
recognized as a “Hispanic-serving institution” (HSI), with more than 40 percent of its students
identifying as Hispanic. New Mexico Tech is accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools as a doctoral degree-granting university.

All media inquiries, please contact Jay Ann Cox, Communications Specialist, 575-835-5260,