Graduate Certificate in Hydrology
The Hydrology Program within the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at NM Tech offers a 15-Credit Graduate Certificate program in Hydrology via distance education.
You can interact with the faculty during the classes as they are taught or view lectures asynchronously
using the Canvas learning management system. Prospective students only need access to a computer with
a browser and a high-speed Internet connection in order to participate in lectures,
handle assignments, conduct examinations and communicate with faculty, advisers and
The classes are streamed live over the Internet using Tech's Zoom videoconferencing software as well as recorded. We strongly recommend students view the lectures in real time, if possible, so they can ask questions interactively. Distance education students who are on professional travel may turn assignments in late but will be required to take the exam on the same day as regular students.
Overview of Online Certificate in Hydrology Program
Our 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Hydrology is intended to provide students with much of the course work that our MSc. students are required to take. Online students will not be required to participate in laboratory and field components of distance education (DE) classes such as Erth 440. Students who complete the Certificate Program with a B average are eligible to apply this course work towards completion of an MSc. or Ph.D. degrees at NM Tech in Socorro. An MSc. Hydrology degree requires 30 credits and a research thesis. Students must maintain a B average (3.0 GPA) in order to receive a certificate. Courses completed with a grade below a C must be retaken.
All DE students are required to take Erth 440. To complete the 15-credit degree requirement, students may choose from the following list of courses: Geol 512D, Geol 550D, Hyd 507D, Hyd 510, Hyd 511D, Hyd 513D, Hyd 514D, Hyd 543.