Club Charter
Section I - Name
Article 1. The name of this student chapter shall be the New Mexico Tech Joint Student Chapter of ASM International and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Article 2. This Chapter shall be chartered by the Board of Directors of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (herein after called TMS).
Article 3. This Chapter shall be governed at all times by the provisions of The Constitution and The Rules for the Government of ASM and the Bylaws of TMS.
Section II - Purpose
Article 1. The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote its members a self-sought increasing knowledge of metallurgy, materials science and engineering and all its branches ant to instill a professional pride in their chosen life work and schooling.
Section III - Membership
Article 1. Any regularly enrolled individual whose principal occupation is that of student shall be eligible for student membership.
Article 2. A joint student member enrolled at this institution shall be assigned to this student chapter unless this chapter becomes inactive.
Article 3. Any local professional member can actively participate in any of the student chapter functions and are encouraged to do so.
Section IV - Dues
Article 1. There is no dues charged to student members by this student chapter.
Article 2. Student members are encouraged, but not required, to become joint student members of ASM/TMS.
Article 3. A joint student membership year runs on the calendar year from January 1 - December 31.
Section VII - Officers
Article 1. The officers of this student chapter shall consist of the president (chair), vice-president (vice-chair), secretary, and treasurer.
Article 2. This student chapter shall elect, by majority vote of the chapter members present, a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer during the spring of each year to serve for the following academic year.
Article 3. To be eligible for election, the nominee must be a joint student member or must have applied for such membership and must be a member of the Student Chapter during the previous school term.
Article 4. If the office of president becomes vacant for any reason during the elected term, the vice-president shall become president for the remainder of the term, thereby creating a vacancy of vice-president. Vacancies in any elected office other than that of President shall be filled by simple majority vote at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting.
Article 5. At the annual election, there shall be chosen, from the faculty, a member of ASM and /or TMS who shall act as Faculty Advisor to advise and counsel the officers.
Section VI - Duties of the Officers
Article 1. The President of this Student Chapter shall preside at all meetings.
Article 2. The President shall assume all executive duties not otherwise delegated to others by these bylaws.
Article 3. The Vice-President shall preside at chapter meetings or events in the absence of the President.
Article 4. The Secretary shall keep records of each meeting for the permanent chapter records. The Secretary shall also be responsible for submitting brief reports of all activities for publication by ASM and TMS.
Article 5. The Secretary shall forward an Annual Report, prepared by the Executive Committee, to the Joint ASM/TMS Chapter Program before 1 May each year, summarizing the activities of the Chapter during the year and listing the newly elected officers.
Article 6. The Treasurer shall submit a Financial Report to the Chapter Executive Committee giving a complete accounting of the Chapter's finances. This report shall be appended to the Annual Report.
Article 7. All Chapter documents, financial reports and funds shall be left with the Faculty Advisor for any vacation period when the college or university is not in session.
Section VII - Committees
Article 1. The officers of the Chapter, including the Faculty Advisor, shall constitute an Executive Committee charged with the responsibility of the Chapter management, programming, reporting, and activities.
Article 2. The standing committees shall include but are not limited to the following:
a. Programming Committee - Plans, organizes and executes the chapter technical, educational and joint professional activities.
b. Membership/Outreach committee - Organizes and implements programs which promote student membership as a way to explore metallurgy / materials science and engineering as a field of study and career path.
Section VIII - Meetings
Article 1. Regular Student Chapter meetings, held at such times and places as the Executive Committee shall determine, shall be devoted to educational, technical, engineering, or scientific purposes. The President or Faculty Advisor can call a special meeting at any time.
Section IX - Amendments
Article 1. This Student Chapter may amend its Bylaws in any fashion consistent with the Constitution and Rules for the Government of ASM and the Bylaws of TMS. Such amendments, after adoption by two-thirds vote of the Chapter membership, shall be filled with the joint ASM/TMS Chapter Program.
Section X - Professional Chapter Affiliation
Article 1. This Student Chapter will be affiliated with the local Professional ASM Chapter and TMS local Section assigned by the respective societies. The assigned affiliation may be changed by proposal of either the Student Chapter or the regular Chapter and is subject to approval by each.
Section XI - Dissolution of Chapter
Article 1. If for any reason this Student Chapter is dissolved, the Charter should be returned to the Joint ASM/TMS Chapter Program. All funds or other property remaining after payment of debts and obligations of this Student Chapter shall be transferred and divided between the two societies.