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Rugby FAQ

Why was the association created?


Soon after Coach Dave Wheelock resigned from coaching numerous changes in coaching positions, club officers and school admissions. Thus, many alumni and school administration relations have been disconnected. After the teams national championship run, a few guys gather to step-in during the transition of new Coach Jason Oliphant to support New Mexico Tech Rugby future by:



Why does New Mexico Tech Rugby need an Alumni Association?


While the schools 49ers tradition has been the clubs biggest alumni event and resource to raise funds through auction in order support operating cost. As rugby grows at the collegiate level and the team grows in competitiveness, operating costs rise and will continue to rise. Today, students are increasingly choosing universities (specifically, NMT) with previous rugby experience. Unlike the time when campus recruiting was the main source to fill roster, high school and international recruiting has been a key resource. 


As the team's appearance on The Rugby Network for Collegiate National Championships for 7s and 15s, it's important the team is able to represent the New Mexico Tech brand.


This transition involves:


Simply, we alumni have great pride and experiences greater than most and it's our duty to proactively and cooperatively work together to amplify the program in a positive, productive, and coordinated manner. 


What is the Alumni Association working on?


The Association is brand new, and its first efforts are: