Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Graduate Program Information
The Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity graduate programs are part of the New Mexico Cybersecurity
Center of Excellence (NMCCoE) located on the New Mexico Tech campus.
All programs are available via distance delivery and on campus.
Funding is available for high potential candidates.
At New Mexico Tech's new Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity program, we're looking for
unconventional thinkers who want to make a difference to tackle some of the hardest
questions of the 21st Century. Questions about data, your data, and how it's protected
online. Questions of national security, and of your own financial security. Questions
that require a new way of thinking. New Mexico Tech is looking for people ready to
answer those questions.
Traditional programs build a foundation of knowledge in computer science. This is
a start, but at Tech we've built a more holistic program, for a more accomplished
Employment of information security analysts is projected to grow 33% from 2020 to
2030, much faster than the average for all occupations (8%).
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
85% of all data breaches are caused by one variable that Computer Science can’t factor
for - human error. That’s why New Mexico Tech’s Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity program
requires its students take “Psychology of Cybersecurity,” studying the human element
behind data breaches.
From computer science to ethics and law, risk analysis, and psychology, the Transdisciplinary
Cybersecurity graduate programs are designed to make sure you'll have the tools necessary
to succeed as a cybersecurity professional. Located in the New Mexico Cybersecurity
Center of Excellence on the campus of NMT, this exciting new program is available
via face-to-face or distance learning.
Student Quotes & Profiles
Divya Anand, PhD Student
"The Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Graduate program is for students of all backgrounds.
You do not need to be a coding expert to be successful! The program really prepares
you to be a well-rounded cybersecurity expert. You will have the opportunity to learn
all types of skills in the program, collaborate with amazing students and learn from
highly skilled professors!"
- Divya Anand, New Mexico Tech PhD student
Samuel Yang, Certificate Student
"Being back and able to study with brilliant, yet really down-to-earth new classmates
and wonderful teachers, it is fulfilling and keeps my mind active. It has been an
interesting journey of hope and faith since I graduated from the department with an
MS in computer science, '93/'94. Thank you all!"
- Samuel Yang, Southern University and A&M College
Justin Vermillion, PhD Student
Laura Ward, Special Graduate Student
“As a working technology professional, I found New Mexico Tech’s TransdisciplinaryCybersecurity program to be both practical and thought-provoking. The courses I took in Psychology
of Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity Ethics and Law provided valuable perspectives on human factors influencing technology
and policy. My final projects, which examined user behaviors and policy compliance,
and stakeholder ethics in electoral technology, broadened my understanding of critical
non-technical aspects of the cybersecurity landscape.” Laura Ward, MLIS-MA
The following are core for all Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Programs. All core courses are normally offered once
per year. See the current catalog for course descriptions and general graduate school requirements.
CYBS 5002
Cybersecurity Ethics and Law
CYBS 5003
Cybersecurity Policy
CYBS 502
CYBS 5004
Psychology of Cybersecurity
CYBS 5005
Data Science for Cybersecurity
MATH 382+L
CYBS 5009
Cybersecurity Risk Analysis and Management
CYBS 5061
Foundations of Cybersecurity
CYBS 5061 should be taken in each student's first fall semester.
Cybersecurity Technical Electives
The following are core for Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Programs. Technical elective
courses are normally offered once every other year (EOY). See the current catalog for course descriptions.
CYBS 5006
Cyber Physical System Security
Odd # Fall
CYBS 5014
Computer Security and Incident Response
Odd # Fall
CYBS 5015
Reverse Engineering Malware
Even # Spring
CYBS 514
CYBS 5041
Advanded Cryptograpy
CYBS 5054
Computer Network Security
CYBS 561 (C^)
CYBS 5057
Hardware-Based Network Security for the Internet of Things
CYBS 561 & CYBS 554 (C^)
CYBS 5063
Access Control and System Security
MATH 382+L
CYBS 5064
Secure Systems Administration
Even # Spring
CYBS 561 & CYBS 554 (C^)
EE 5060
Electronic Warfare
EE 5065
Position, Navigation and Timing
C^ indicates a requirement of completing the course with C or higher as a prerequisite.
Additional courses are available as Special Topics Courses (CYBS 5089) based on new
research and student demand.
All students are encouraged to pursue internships during the summer or to focus on
Cybersecurity Area Courses
Graduate credits (CYBS 5089) in the following cybersecurity areas: cybersecurity policy,
psychology of cybersecurity, cybersecurity data science, or cybersecurity technical
Professional Masters (PM)
The professional masters is a course based program that has research integrated in
courses, but does not require additional research.
For the PM degree students must take:
All core courses listed above (18 cr)
6 credits of technical electives
6 credits of cybersecurity area courses
Master of Science (MS)
The master of science degree is a research based program where students carry out
independent research in addition to completing coursework.
For the MS degree students must take:
All core courses listed above (18 cr)
3 credits of technical electives
3 credits of cybersecurity area courses
Research (either)
6 credits of thesis or
3 credits of independent study and 3 additional credits of cybersecurity area courses
Accelerated Masters
The combined degrees of a MS-CYBS or PM-CYBS along with a BS in an aligned field may
be achieved in an accellerated timeframe. Students must complete all of the requirements
of the associated BS and the MS-CYBS or PM-CYBS degrees.
Students in the accelerated program may use up to nine 500-level or above credits
toward both their BS and either MS-CYBS or PM-CYBS degrees allowing them to complete
their degrees in an accelerated timeframe.
Doctorate (PhD)
A minimum of 68 credits total.
Up to 30 graded credit hours from an appropriate master’s degree, may be included.
These must be approved by the student's graduate committee and the program director.
44 hours of graded coursework approved by the student’s advisory committee must include:
All core courses listed above (18 cr)
9 credits of technical electives
12 credits of cybersecurity area courses
Up to 12 graded research credits (CYBS 5081) may be used toward the required graded
coursework credits.
Qualifying Exam: The graduate committee, in consultation with the student, will select a technical
paper. The student must perform an in‐depth study of the paper through analysis, modeling,
and/or simulation. The student will present the analysis and critique of the paper
in a written report and an oral presentation. The written report and the oral presentation
constitute the qualifying examination. The exam is designed to test the student’s
ability to be successful in the Ph.D. program by demonstrating his/her ability to
analyze, critique, solve technical problems, grasp fundamental concepts, solve open
problems, and communicate effectively. Normally, the graduate student may only take
the qualifying exam once. In case the student did not pass, he/she may appeal to the
program chair the decision to be allowed a second critique paper attempt.
Candidacy Exam: The student must present a detailed proposal including an overview of his/her research
area and hypothesis under investigation to the members of his/her graduate committee.The
proposal should include an outline of the proposed research, a research timeline,
and the papers (and venues for publication) that are expected. The presentation will
be open to the public and announced through the program office. This examination may
only be taken after a student has passed the qualifying examination.
Candidacy: The admission to candidacy to the Ph.D. degree requires that the qualifying and
candidacy examinations be passed and approved by the graduate committee; after which
the student may enroll in CYBS 5095: Dissertation.
Dissertation (24 credit hours): CYBS 5095
Time to Completion
The average time in which well-prepared students may be able to expect to complete
their degrees is in the table below, depending on the student's preparation, focus,
dedication, and proficiency in research.
Full Time Years
(12 credits fall & spring)
Part Time years
(6 credits fall & spring)
* Due to the complexity and variability of research, the time to degree for MS and
PhD vary substantially and average expected times are shown here. Time to complete
research, particularly in the PhD program, should be expected to be longer -- in many
cases 5-6 years (beyond BS) is more typical. Accelerated Masters students have completed
in one year.
Financial Support
Many students in these program are supported by their employers or provide their own
funding. However, full time students may recieve support either through the NMCCoE,
typically on graduate contracts associated with external grants or contracts. Students
with special skills or needs should make those clear in their graduate applicatoin.
Faculty Research Areas
Areas below are areas in which faculty affiliated with the Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity
programs are interested in advising research students.
B. Burnham – Foundations of Cybersecurity, Policy
T. Dotson – Organizational High Reliability, User Experience Research Methods
T. Elliott – User Experience Research Methods, Psycolinguistics, Perception.
A. El Osery – Cyber Physical Systems
A. Ghosh - Health Systems, Health Sensing, and Health Monitoring for Naval and Weapons
C. ChoGlueck - Ethics, Values and Norms Impact on Laws and Regulations, Science, Technology
T. Harper - Cybersecurity Policy
C. Jeffery – Program Execution Monitoring, Programming Language Support
K. Lee – Multi-Robot Systems
L. Liebrock – Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Auditing, Enterprise-wide Forensics, Parallel
Processing, Security Metrics, Threat Intelligence, Visualization, Well Posedness
B. Majumdar – Additive Manufacturing
S. Mazumdar – Data Management, Data Science, Information Privacy
D. Shin – System Security, Software Engineering/Security, Usable Security
H. Soliman –Machine Learning
S. Teare - Encryption, Smart Instrumentation, Cyber Physical Systems
K. Tietjen – Incident Response and Digital Forensics, Threat Intelligence, Data Science
Focused on Threat Detection and Response, Cyber Operations Process Engineering/Quality
J. Zheng – Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Mobile Computing, Networking, Smart Grids,
Intelligent Manufacturing, Smart Agriculture