Welcome from the NMT Dean of Students, (After normal business hours please call my cell phone, 302-438-3103. I am available
when needed).
On behalf of the New Mexico Tech Office of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students
(DOS), I would like to encourage Tech students to take advantage of our advocacy and support.
The DOS works with all students; however, Dr. Aly El Osery, the Dean of Graduate Studies, specializes in our graduate student needs.
The mission of the Dean of Students is to engage students in their holistic education,
growth, and development through co-curricular enrichment opportunities.
The Dean of Students is committed to building and maintaining a vibrant community
which is inclusive and open to new and differing experiences and viewpoints.
The Dean of Students provides support in the following ways:
Assist students in navigating academic concerns, financial challenges, housing instability,
mental health issues, physical health concerns, food insecurity, family difficulties,
and other hardships that may impact their college experience.
Provide advocacy and support to students facing various hardships including non-clinical
medical/mental health needs, pre/post hospitalization through Absentee Notifications.
Serve as primary student advocate for students navigating grade disputes, conflicts
with professors, questions related to university policy, and other areas of conflict.
Collaborate with university departments and external agencies to ensure students receive
appropriate resources and support.
Please feel free to contact me any time. My office's number one priority is to make
the student experience at Tech a positive and enriching one.
Now that you are a part of the New Mexico Tech Family you are never alone.
The Dean of Students (DOS) will send out absentee notifications on behalf of students
who submit the appropriate form and whose situations meet the appropriate criteria.
This process through the Dean's office is to assist in validating the student's absence
and asking if the instructor will work with student. The final decision is up to the
The student absentee notification request process is intended for emergencies and
circumstances beyond a student’s control.If you need to miss class for a non-emergency reason, notify your professors of your
absence directly.
Examples of circumstances beyond a student's control include:
Hospitalizations or terminal illness Death in the family Pregnancy/ parenting complications Family issues Crime victimization Military service
Some exceptions to the emergency are:
Doctor or dental appointments that had to be scheduled Illnesses such as cold, flu, strep throat (Student is asked to see Student Health) Job interviews Conference attendance
For chronic health conditions, students should contact Student Access Services for accommodations.
Documentation is required prior to the absence notification when possible, or shortly
thereafter if prior documentation is not possible.
Students may request support from the Dean of Students Office for activities and events
directly related to their role as a student at NMT, or that create an opportunity
to enrich the experiences of the NMT community. Funding decisions are made on a case-by-case
basis, until each semester's funds are exhausted. Individuals, Groups and organizations
must complete one funding application for the group.
Under extremely unusual circumstances, a student may petition for a withdrawal without
prejudice. Students may not withdraw without prejudice from a course they are failing
due to plagiarism, cheating, or other disciplinary issues. Charges for tuition and
fees are not altered by such a withdrawal. (See NMT course catalog)
Dean of Students Office Fidel Center, Suite 236 Office: 575-835-5548 or Cell: (New #) 302-438-3103 deanofstudents@nmt.edu
I am available to meet with students or employees who need information or guidance
about all general non-academic student issues, call or email to set up an appointment.
After normal business hours please call my cell phone. I am available when needed.