Attendees are crucial to the success of the SRS. They provide feedback, volunteer
their time, and interact with participants so they can get the valuable experience
of discussing their research. There are a number of ways attendees can contribute.
Check out the information below for more details.
Current NMT Students (Undergraduate & Graduate)
Even if you're not participating in this year's SRS, you should still consider attending
one or all of the events. Your friends, peers, and colleagues will appreciate your
support and you may even learn a thing or two!
Depending on the class, your professor may offer extra credit if you attend (be sure
to register!).
If you're a graduate student, please consider making a contribution to SRS by evaluating
the presenters at the end of each session.
NMT Faculty
We encourage faculty members to offer extra credit to their students if they attend
one or more SRS events. This also boosts attendance, so it's a win-win for everyone.
If you're interested in offering extra credit for one or more of your courses, please
fill out this form and the SRS staff will make sure a sign-in sheet is available for your students.
After the event, we will email the sign-in sheet to you.
Faculty are also encouraged to volunteer as an evaluator please consider making a
contribution to SRS by evaluating the presenters at the end of each session.
The SRS also offers two faculty awards for this event:
Most attendees from classes - faculty offering extra credit, or making a requirement
of your classes to attend/visit any of the events.
The coveted SRS Trophy for the department that has the most student participants (any
events) in the symposium.
NMT Staff
NMT staff members are an integral part of the campus community. Please consider attending
one or all of this year's events (some have limited seating and require pre-regisration).
If you have a bachelor's degree or higher, you are eligible to volunteer as an evaluator
please consider making a contribution to SRS by evaluating the presenters at the end
of each session.
Community College Students
Join us for the SRS poster sessions!
NMT is offering any participating Community/Junior Colleges in New Mexico the opportunity
to join in for the SRS.
All presenters will have a valuable opportunity to enhance their presentation skills,
as well as receive constructive feedback on their research/project and poster presentation.
They'll also learn about other researchers in their field, and other fields as well.
Networking and meeting like-minded individuals is another benefit of the symposium
First and second prize winners in the Community/2-Year/Junior Colleges Category will
admissions application fee waiver to NMT
a $500 scholarship to attend NMT
We hope you can join us for this wonderful event!
High School Students or Future Techies!
Come see what we can do!
Join us for this year's Student Research Symposium where our undergraduate (even first-year)
and graduate students will present their research. Techies get a chance to share their
complex ideas and findings in a way that is meaningful and accessible.
You can attend our poster sessions, the 3-minute speech competition, the oral presentations,
or the Civil Engineering Showcase. All events are open to the public.
Come see what you can do at Tech!
Other Attendees
Are you an alum of NMT? Maybe you're a resident of Socorro, or one of the surrounding
communities. Perhaps you're a local high school student who's considering applying
to Tech. Please attend one or all events (some have limited seating and require pre-registration).
All attendees are eligible to volunteer as a Reviewer (sign-up is not required).
Attendees with bachelor's degrees or higher are eligible to volunteer as an evaluator
please consider making a contribution to SRS by evaluating the presenters at the end
of each session.
The Student Research Symposium (SRS) is an initiative of the Office for Student Learning
(OSL) and the Joseph R. Skeen Library. The SRS is further enriched by the support
of the Office of Student Life, the Center for Graduate Studies, and the Student Government
Association (SGA).