This webpage is under development and is undergoing regular changes and review (most recent update: Jan 10, 2025).
Policies and Procedures at New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech Policies help to ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations, to promote operational efficiencies, to enhance the Institute mission, or to reduce institutional risk. In addition, New Mexico Tech Policies help to ensure integrity and other fundamental institutional values that define the vision of New Mexico Tech, such as academic freedom, freedom of expression, shared governance, maintaining collegiality and citizenship, and upholding accountability for professionalism and diplomacy among administration, faculty, staff, students, other constituents and maintaining accountability to our accrediting and regulating organizations. All New Mexico Tech policies are found on this webpage, though most also found on various division and office websites (e.g., academic policies are listed on the Office of Academic Affairs site).
New Mexico Tech's Policy Development, Amendment and Rescindment Policy (OP-01), which is informally known as the Policy on Policy, governs the development, amendment, and rescindment of New Mexico Tech policies. As part of the process outlined in this document, some draft university policies are subject to a 10-day review and comment period. Such draft policies are posted on this website (see below).
Policies Requiring Board of Regents Approval
Some policies require approval by the Board of Regents in addition to the approval of the President. The President and the Chair of the Board of Regents determine whether or not a policy requires Board of Regents' approval. The Board will typically consider policies that govern the financial health and overall quality of the Institute.
Policies Under Campus Community Review
Three draft policies have been posted today for the campus community to review:
· OP-07 Education Upgrade Policy
· OP-08 Endowed Scholarships Policy
NMT encourages feedback from campus stakeholders on our policies.
These draft policies are available to the campus community to review for a minimum of 10 business days. Please submit comments via this Google Form link by 5 PM on Friday, March 21:
Note: You can comment on only one policy per form submission. Please submit a separate
form for each policy you wish to comment on.
Two draft policies have been posted today for the campus community to review:
· AA-01 Policy for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure of Faculty
· AA.01 Campus Comment
· AA.01 Track Changes
· AA-16 Policy on Emeritus Status
· AA.16 Campus Comment
· AA.16 Track Changes
NMT encourages feedback from campus stakeholders on our policies.
These draft policies are available to the campus community to review. Please submit comments via this Google Form link by Noon on Monday, March 31:
Note: Please submit a separate form for each policy you wish to comment on.
Relevant Documents and Templates:
Policy Development, Amendment and Rescindment Policy
New Mexico Tech Policy and Procedures Template and Style Guide
New Mexico Tech Policy Signature and Approval Document
Complete List of Policies
Policies and procedures are listed under the Office of the President and the office of the Vice President or Division Head that is responsible for (the sponsor of) the policy and procedure.
Office of the President
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Vice President for Research
Vice President for Student Affairs