2020 Student Research Symposium Will Be Fully Online
April 1, 2020
SOCORRO, N.M. – The 2020 Student Research Symposium will continue as scheduled for April 14 and 15 – as a completely online event.
“Moving the SRS to an online special event is new for us,” said Dr. David Cox, Director of Skeen Library and the Office of Student Learning. “We are confident it will continue to highlight our students and their research.”
The event will include three main events – oral presentations, three-minute speech
competition, and poster sessions. These events will be streamed online via the NMT
website and Zoom.
The SRS is a hallmark event where undergraduate and graduate students have the unique opportunity to present their research in a variety of formats (oral presentations, 3-minute speeches, and poster sessions).
Cox said, “The overall theme of the SRS is ‘Communicate to Educate.’ New Mexico Tech is a place where research scholarship is central to the process of molding Science and Engineering professionals. We learn by doing, and are especially focused on presenting and communicating in a manner that is both clear and accessible.”
Poster Presentations
The four poster sessions will all happen as originally scheduled on Tuesday, April 14, and Wednesday, April 15.
Tuesday, April 14
Poster Session 1 -- 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Poster Session 2 -- 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.
Wednesday, April 15
Poster Session 3 -- 1 to 2:15 p.m.
Poster Session 4 -- 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.
All posters will be viewable on the SRS website. Each group of presenters will be live in a Zoom meeting, with a moderator and questions will be accepted for each poster presenter. Visitors will be able to interact live with the student presenters and ask questions. These live rooms will be open for the time duration of the original poster presentations, and will be open for anyone to participate.
Oral Presentation Event
Eight-minute oral presentations will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 14. These talks will be pre-recorded. During the live portion, the moderator will accept questions from the public to the presenters.
Three-Minute Speech Competition
The 3-Minute Speech competition will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 15. The event will be hosted in one Zoom room, where all presenters and the public can access. Each presenter will have one slide, which will be displayed by the moderator. The audience will be able to offer feedback via Zoom. All speeches will also be recorded through Zoom.
– NMT –