Blog Highlights NASA's use of Magdalena Ridge Observatory To Track Asteroid
March 5, 2020
Writer Anirban Pal of InstaChronicles wrote a short article about the asteroid Apophis, which will pass by Earth in 2029.
NASA is tracking the asteroid, with assistance from several observatories, including
the Magdalena Ridge Observatory.
(At right is a collage of images from NASA.)
Here is an excerpt of the article. Click the link at the bottom to read the full report.
An asteroid of 370 meters called Apophis is close enough to Earth to make an impact. The scientists of NASA declared that the asteroid could hit the Earth’s surface in April 2029. The asteroid with the size of over three football ground palpitates the worlds and scientists. Although there is a considerable time to overcome the fear and the scientists know that better.
Click here for the full report.