New Mexico Tech Gym Reopening Policies and Procedures
General Information:
The gym will reopen Wednesday, July 1 at 50% capacity.
The new occupancy limits are:
- Up to 50 people at any given time in the Weight Room
- Up to 12 people in the East and West Gyms
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday: 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sundays: Temporarily Closed
*Senior workout time will be Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
Note: Our typical peak hours are 6:00 am - 7:30 am and 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm. If possible, please consider altering your workout schedule to take advantage of less busy time slots, help us limit the number of people in the facility at one time, and minimize any time you are standing around waiting for access to the equipment you want.
New Policies & Procedures
- All members are to wash their hands before entering the facility and after completing their workout. Washing hands for 20 seconds with warm, soapy water is the best way to kill germs.
- Face coverings are required when entering and exiting the facility and in all other areas when not working out, as per the Governor’s executive orders and CDC guidelines. Face coverings must cover both the mouth and nose.
- Temperatures will be taken as members enter the facility. Only members with a temperature below 100.4 Farenheit are permitted to enter the facility. Please note that to respect your privacy your temperature will not be recorded.
- A new magnetic stripe card is now required to enter the building. Be sure to scan in at the front desk EACH TIME YOU ENTER THE FACILITY. The NMT Gym is required by state mandate to have a record of every member that enters the facility for contact tracing purposes (in the event of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis). NMT ID Cards are required for staff and students and other members will be provided an appropriate card for this purpose.
- To prioritize our current members, students, faculty and staff, we are temporarily suspending daily passes for guests and out of town family members. New memberships will still be available, but single-day passes will not be issued.
- Showers are not available.
- All members must adhere to strict social distancing in the locker rooms. If at all possible, please come dressed ready to work out.
- The water fountain is disabled, with the exception of the water bottle refill station. Please bring a sealable water bottle from home. We encourage the use of reusable bottles that are easily distinguishable as your own.
- In order to maintain proper social distancing, every other cardio machine is available for use. With limited cardio equipment availability, we ask that you please limit your use to no more than 30 minutes at a time. We want everyone to have an opportunity to use the equipment they need.
- The free weight area will be marked for adequate social distancing. Please keep the benches at least 6-feet apart and do not crowd the dumbbell rack. If retrieving dumbbells to use, take them with you to an open space somewhere else on the floor.
- Strength training machines will be spaced appropriately apart, but be mindful of others near you, and those waiting to use a piece of equipment. DO NOT USE MULTIPLE MACHINES AT ONE TIME, ESPECIALLY DURING PEAK HOURS.
- Every member who scans in at the front desk will be given a spray bottle of 70% alcohol to use on the equipment. Take care to spray machines, weight equipment, and cardio equipment BEFORE AND AFTER use.
- Members MUST return the spray bottle when they check out upon leaving the facility. Bottles will be sanitized before reuse.
- In order to adhere to New Mexico’s social distancing policy, members may not congregate in open areas or near equipment to help keep socializing to a minimum.
- Payments are no longer accepted in person. All transactions will be online via NMIMT M-Mountain Mall
- If you or a member of your household are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19, or feel ill in any way, please stay home and do not return to the gym until your symptoms have subsided.
- Members will be provided a copy of this policy and asked to sign a policy acknowledgement form, agreeing to abide by these policy terms before resuming their gym membership. Members will also complete a A COVID-19 liability waiver form before their membership can resume.